tony.gif (14294 bytes) Tony Hunt Jr., a Kwaguilth artist and dancer, was born December 4th 1961 in Victoria, British Columbia. He is a member of the Hunt family of Fort Rupert that includes many artists such as his father Tony Hunt Sr. and his uncles Richard and Stan Hunt.

   Tony began carving at an early age. While in his senior years in high school a special program was put in place enabling him to spend half his time on academics and half carving at the Arts Of The Raven workshop under the direction of his father.

   As an initiated Hamatsa, Tony regularly dances at potlaches. His work reflects a family tradition that traces back to his grandfather Henry Hunt and his great grandfather Mungo Martin. Tony has spent his life learning the Kwaguilth art form from his elders and contemporaries. His images are traditional but contain elements of his own creativity.

   Today Tony's work is sought after by collectors all around the world. His work was part of the exhibition "Chiefly Feasts", that was shown at the Royal Museum Of British Columbia and  The Burke museum in Seattle and is currently touring the world.

Bukwus.gif (55615 bytes)
Bukwus (Wildman)
Tony Hunt Jr.

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